We aim to create and sustain places that feel rooted in the landscape, that reflect and enhance the lives and pursuits of the people who inhabit them.
#Repost localworkstudio
Difficult to put into words our experience in Denmark. Thatching with expert craftspeople; listening by candlelight to farmers, architects and artists; bare feet on soaped Douglas Fir boards; the dark sauna, freezing cold water; mist and mud. We learned a lot and came home with a rich store of new knowledge and inspiration to draw on when the spreadsheets and zoom calls get too much. #harvesttohouse #høsttilhus in the fine company of djernesandbell sommerskolen.info hanspeterdinesen nicholas___brookz jordbo_dk #lwsjournal #thatch #thatching #thatcharchitecture
Repost from localworkstudio
This is ‘Fleeting Forest’, this years winter art installation at Granary Square, Kings Cross that we designed with assembleofficial in collaboration with webbyates (engineers) studio_dekka (lighting), aswarm_works and Cameron Bray from csm_architecture_march (sound), and rebecca.heald (curator). The Fleeting Forest is an assemblage of trees, passing through the square on a winter stop-over, on their way to permanent homes in public parks, community gardens and schools elsewhere in London. The installation embraces the seasonality of the winter woodland - of bare branches, fallen leaves, berries and damp earth - as an alternative to the the traditional cut and decorated Christmas tree. We’ve tried to create a human scale square within a square. At the heart of the project is an exploration of how a temporary installation can positively impact communities and environments beyond its confines - through the way we sensitively gather and disperse materials. We’ll be sharing more insight into this as well as some stories of how the project has been designed and built, over the coming days. Photo credit: Images 1-5 and 8-9 by John Sturrock. #granarysquare #fleetingforest #kingscross #publicart #woodlands #lwsjournal #stagingurbanlandscapes
localworkstudio Experiments with a technique based on vernacular Spanish rammed earth - Calicostrada (Lime shell or crust). This is a method of only using lime where it is needed - external weatherproofing of walls. The thin lime ‘shell’ was rammed in-situ into shuttering along with the thicker earth wall structure, creating a mass wall with different properties. Our version has plant-based insulation, capped with an external weathering layer of lime mortar. This is part of a wider body of research looking at the use of local agricultural byproduct for building insulation. The insulation layer in these test blocks contain no lime, cement or GGBS, but the material can be used like Hempcrete - which often is a concrete due to the addition of cement. Great to be finally using and testing local plant material collected at the end of the harvest in September 🌱 #architecture #plantbasedarchitecture #buildingcraft #sustainablearchitecture #materialdesign #plantpower #lwsjournal #hempcrete #plantinsulation #rammedearthwall #eartharchitecture
reposted from localworkstudio Bungaroosh block. Low-carbon building block ♻️🧱🪨. Bungaroosh is a Sussex vernacular wall building technique that uses waste masonry and lime mortar to create thick structural walls. Traditionally hidden behind render, it then became decorative with many different varieties of finish. We are prototyping a potential standard sized block that can be quickly constructed. ‘Cobbles’ of waste masonry are used alongside field flint. Flints are still picked ‘weeded’ from farmers fields on the South Downs in Sussex. An unwanted annual crop that appears after each ploughing. Made with 100% waste aggregates, low-carbon concrete and pointed with lime mortar. #bungaroosh #bungarooshblock #flint #sussex #southdowns #localrockscene #lwsjournal #architecture #design #wasteisaresource #landscapearchitecture #southdownsnationalpark #buildingcraft #limemortar #sustainablearchitecture #sussex #reusestudio d_a loves this
Chelsea Flower Show 2023: Canvas screens and paint 🎨 The Nurture Garden designed by @sarahpricelandscapes Sections of the boundary wall of Sarah’s garden were made of stretched canvas, painted with plant-based paints. We developed and made the canvasses and the paint for the garden, to provide a low-carbon wall that also referenced the paintings and colour palette of Cedric Morris @benton.end. The canvas material was sourced as waste from film studios, who use the materials for throwaway scenic backgrounds. The paints were designed and made by us, influenced by natural, historic Scandinavian paint recipes. The paint protects traditional timber buildings, and contains rye flour and linseed oil. We also added demolition waste as pigment and to add texture, combined with natural pigments from local sands (from @crocus.co.uk) and indigo plant 🌱 dye, for the blue and mauve colours. The canvases were undercoated at our studio, and the top-coats where applied by Sarah Price. We have tested this exterior paint for lightfastness, and are really enjoying the finishes, smell (!) and protection it can give to lower grade materials, to prolong their life in harsh exterior conditions. Plastic free! Petroleum free! Plant based! 🌱♻️🌳🎨 See our website (link in bio) for more on our contribution to the garden. @rachel_asl @gardenmuseum @thenurturegroup @garden_build @crocus.co.uk #plantpaint #plantbased #wasteisaresource #fineartpainting #chelseaflowershow #chelseaflowershow2023 #sustainablearchitecture #naturalbuidling #materialdesign #plantdye #plantpigment #plantcolour @beahemmings.designandcraft @matildagrover @ashleyjkempton #lwsjournal
In January 2021 we were approached by architects @carmodygroarke to design a prototype low-carbon waste-based brick for the facade of a new extension to @designmuseumgent in Belgium. We developed a material and fabrication strategy using Gent waste materials, that could be cleanly produced into bricks close to the construction site in the city. We are delighted that following further development and testing in Belgium by the awesome @bcmaterials_org the brick has now been approved for use! The Gent Waste Brick is a pressed Lime brick made with 63% waste from the city of Gent ♻️🧱 @transarchitectuurstedenbouw @sogent9000 #wasteisaresource #brick #gentwastebrick #materialdesign #brickdesign #architecture #gent #facadedesign #lwsjournal #bricktok
Early experiments with local plant material dyes. Turning purple into green! Bespoke chalk plasters. #chalk #naturaldye #buildingcraft #plaster #chalkplaster #plantdye #localcolour #lwsjournal
We are hiring! Link in bio for more information…. We are looking to employ a highly versatile designer for the built environment, to lead on technical and delivery phases across the studio’s portfolio of projects, as well as building our capacity for research and best practice around circular economy for construction. This role would suit a landscape architect, or architect, with an excellent knowledge of materials and their application, as well as a good understanding of landscape systems. The ideal candidate will have proven experience and enthusiasm for new thinking and methods of sustainable construction and circular economy. The role requires curiosity and creativity, as well as rigorous attention to detail and skill, in order to apply and develop our alternative working methodologies, designed to facilitate low carbon construction. The successful applicant will be highly collaborative, ready to learn from and support others, as well as facilitating a high level of stakeholder engagement. They will be a central figure in our small studio, with an ambition to help shape the growing practice. #landscapearchitecturejobs #architecturejobs #circulareconomyjobs #localworksstudio #lwsjournal
Paver bricks made by us for @exchangeerith garden by @sarahpricelandscapes. Made using demolition materials from recent building works at The Exchange ♻️. The 1000 bricks will form hard landscaped areas in the new garden, and reference the original parquet flooring inside the building. Looking forward to seeing these in-situ. #wastebasedbricks #paverbricks #herringboneflooring #parquetflooring #lwsjournal #landscapearchitecture #brick #brickpavers #bricklove #hardlandscaping #gardendesign #erith #crayfordbrickearth
Experiments with a technique based on vernacular Spanish rammed earth - Calicostrada (Lime shell or crust). This is a method of only using lime where it is needed - external weatherproofing of walls. The thin lime ‘shell’ was rammed in-situ into shuttering along with the thicker earth wall structure, creating a mass wall with different properties. Our version has plant-based insulation, capped with an external weathering layer of lime mortar. This is part of a wider body of research looking at the use of local agricultural byproduct for building insulation. The insulation layer in these test blocks contain no lime, cement or GGBS, but the material can be used like Hempcrete - which often is a concrete due to the addition of cement. Great to be finally using and testing local plant material collected at the end of the harvest in September 🌱 #architecture #plantbasedarchitecture #buildingcraft #sustainablearchitecture #materialdesign #plantpower #lwsjournal #hempcrete #plantinsulation #rammedearthwall #eartharchitecture
Fun project making window and door cills for @bakerbrown_studio using 100% waste aggregates from a construction site ♻️The bespoke mortar has been tested, and exceeds the appropriate British Standard for compressive strength 🏋️ #materialdesign #reuse #architecture #sustainabledesign #surfacedesign #circulardesign #wasteisaresource #lwsjournal #landscapearchitecture #terrazzo #terrazzodesign #reusearchitecture #design
Paver tiles for a garden by @sarahpricelandscapes. Made by us from waste and excess construction materials ♻️ Looking forward to seeing these in-situ. #wastebrick #c.andre 🧱 #lwsjournal #localworksstudio #brick #bricks #architecture #landscapearchitecture #hardlandscaping #hardlandscape #paverbrick #wastebricks #wastebasedbricks #materials #architecturematerials
Chelsea Flower Show 2023: waste-based concrete features ♻️ Nurture Garden designed by @sarahpricelandscapes. The majority of the hard landscape features: table, blocks, paver bricks and vessels were made using our low-carbon, waste-based concrete blend. 100% of the aggregates were sourced as waste @crocus.co.uk nurseries, where the fabrication took place. The yellow ochres came from their Bagshot Sand, excavated for a new reservoir, the pink tones came from crushed brick material and over-ordered aggregates. We designed a making strategy to enable quick casting and finishing techniques that could expose the aggregates for decorative and non-slip properties, or more time-consuming polished surfaces for a few special surfaces such as the table and some of the vessel interiors. These features will go on to a new life @benton.end ♻️♻️♻️We will be releasing a series of guidance documents this summer that explain our methodology and will give recipes and advice for making and specifying low-carbon construction materials. The series of documents will start with waste-based concretes 🏋️♀️♻️🪨 #lwsjournal @rachel_asl #chelseaflowershow @garden_build
This is ‘Fleeting Forest’, this years winter art installation at Granary Square, Kings Cross that we designed with @assembleofficial in collaboration with @webbyates (engineers) @studio_dekka (lighting), @aswarm_works and Cameron Bray from @csm_architecture_march (sound), and @rebecca.heald (curator). The Fleeting Forest is an assemblage of trees, passing through the square on a winter stop-over, on their way to permanent homes in public parks, community gardens and schools elsewhere in London. The installation embraces the seasonality of the winter woodland - of bare branches, fallen leaves, berries and damp earth - as an alternative to the the traditional cut and decorated Christmas tree. We’ve tried to create a human scale square within a square. At the heart of the project is an exploration of how a temporary installation can positively impact communities and environments beyond its confines - through the way we sensitively gather and disperse materials. We’ll be sharing more insight into this as well as some stories of how the project has been designed and built, over the coming days. Photo credit: Images 1-5 and 8-9 by John Sturrock. #granarysquare #fleetingforest #kingscross #publicart #woodlands #lwsjournal
Completed false reef structure for #heavygardening project with Andrew Merritt @somethingandson. This will be sited underwater at the bottom of Royal Albert Dock, Liverpool. Hoping for maximum colonisation by shellfish and other sea life. The full sculpture will include 8 ropes for mussels to grow on 🐚 🦞 🦪 🦐 🐠 🐟. The reef structure ring is cast with our #shellcrete material using waste oyster shells from seafood restaurants. The outer shell decoration should mimic natural oyster reefs, and encourage different bivalve molluscs to grow on the shelly surface. #increasebiodiversity #shellcrete #oyster #oysterreef #mussels #liverpool #lwsjournal #falsereef #reef #oysters #oystershell #shell
Bungaroosh block 👉 Low-carbon building block ♻️🧱🪨. Bungaroosh is a Sussex vernacular wall building technique that uses waste masonry and lime mortar to create thick structural walls. Traditionally hidden behind render, it then became decorative with many different varieties of finish. We are prototyping a potential standard sized block that can be quickly constructed. ‘Cobbles’ of waste masonry are used alongside field flint. Flints are still picked ‘weeded’ from farmers fields on the South Downs in Sussex. An unwanted annual crop that appears after each ploughing. Made with 100% waste aggregates, low-carbon concrete and pointed with lime mortar. #bungaroosh #bungarooshblock #flint #sussex #southdowns #localrockscene #lwsjournal #architecture #design #wasteisaresource #landscapearchitecture #southdownsnationalpark #buildingcraft #limemortar #sustainablearchitecture #sussex #reuse
Inspiring couple of days in St.Pölten, Austria with @rotor_brussels @mutaforma @buurrb discussing ideas for material reuse within the upcoming festival @tangentestpoelten ♻️ #reusearchitecture #architecture #stpölten #lwsjournal
Samples of materials for some bespoke shower trays for @thesecretcampsite @ruralworkshop. Testing for non-slip vs foot comfort vs cleanability! Made using waste brick aggregates ♻️ #lowcarbonconcrete #materialdesign #surfacedesign #architecture #lwsjournal
Checking textures in different lights 🔦 #testingtesting #texturetesting #lwsjournal #wastebased #circulareconomy #architecture #landscapearchitecture #materialdesign #sustainabledesign #lowcarbonconstruction #bricktok